I have created first mod_geoip custom module for CPanel WHM using CPanel Easy Framework POD.
which will be then install using /scripts/easyapache on command line or Apache Update using WHM on your choice whether to install it or not.
I wroted it in february and published on my site, but after few days CPanel Developer DAN contacted me to enhance with there requirements that it can be added to CPanel Custom Module Listing. I made several changes to first version as suggested by CPanel Developers and alhamdulillah succeeded in it and now its listing in CPanel Custom Module. 🙂 You can install it by using following steps
1) Download
wget http://easyapache.cpanel.net/optmods/custom_opt_mod-mod_geoip.tar.gz
wget http://www.sohailriaz.com/downloads/custom_opt_mod-mod_geoip.tar.gz
2) Installation
tar -C /var/cpanel/easy/apache/custom_opt_mods custom_opt_mod-mod_geoip.tar.gz
Thats it, now you can run
Login into WHM and go to EasyApache Update
It will show you the Mod_GeoIP included in it and you can install it by checking the box.
wow Sir i am impressed to see that our teacher is doing so many things in Linux world .And even international people are accepting your work .
Your Ex-student from Inara
http://easyapache.cpanel.net/optmods/custom_opt_mod-mod_geoip.tar.gz is redirecting to http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/EasyApache3/CustomMods
Trying to install there shows an error:
tar -C /var/cpanel/easy/apache/custom_opt_mods custom_opt_mod-mod_geoip.tar.gz
tar: You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux’ or `–test-label’ options
Is this normal?
Found the error.
The instructions are kind of Old, the new URL for download from CPanel is:
wget http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/pub/EasyApache3/CustomMods/custom_opt_mod-mod_auth_mysql.tar.gz
And to install it, you have to use:
tar -C /var/cpanel/easy/apache/custom_opt_mods -xzf custom_opt_mod-mod_geoip.tar.gz
I see no further comments about this custom mod after 2012. Is this still safe to use?
@SEAN: Its part of CPanel Custom Mods and you need to download from
I understand that.
I just want to know: Is it still SAFE to use?
I need a help. Is there any way we can install mod_substitute via WHM easyapache UI. I tried installing using script but I am not finding a way to install it from WHM easyapache section.
Thanks in advance.